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I would just like to say that I will adding a quote from someone everyday just cause I want to.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Rain Opinion

What do you think of the rain? 
Does it calm you or does it rile you up?
Are you afraid of the rain?
Does it make you want to hide under the covers?
Maybe the rain makes you happy.
Makes you want to dance and splash in a puddle.
Or maybe the rain makes you sad.
It makes you want to do nothing.
Does the rain make you angry?
So angry that you're mad at the world.
Do you think the rain ruins the mood?
Could you tell me what you think of the rain?

So many answers, yet so many questions.
You could dance in the rain.
Or you could cry with the rain.
Maybe you'll stay calm.
Or possibly get riled up.

Decisions, too many to take.
Everyone has their own ways to cope with the rain.

So what do you think of the rain?

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